Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Please Excuse My Dust!

As you've probably noticed, I'm experimenting with blog templates.  I'm trying to find something that reflects the tone of my new book--something kind of dark, but with a touch of femininity. 
Oh, and I should note: googling "dark and feminine blogger templates" will give you some interesting results ;-)

I STILL haven't found exactly what I'm looking for, but because I'm sick of searching and toying around with various layouts, this will have to do for now :o) 

Needless to say, I didn't have time to write a "real" post today.  I'll try to have things back to normal by next week. :o) 

p.s. if anyone knows of a good website for blogger templates, let me know!


  1. I like this! It has a very fun feel. Have you tried The cutest blog on the block? They have some really girly ones but they have cool girly ones too. Here's the web address: Happy hunting!

  2. Hi! Me again. I was browsing for you (ya know becasue I really should be doing other things and I'm not.) and I found this one just an idea, but I really like what you have too!

  3. Jen Bennett--Thanks for helping me with my search! I'm going to check it out as soon as I'm done here ;-)

    Jenny Brown--Thanks you!

  4. I LOVE IT! Good call, Jen! Funny thing is, I changed the title of my book from "Dark Allie" to "Spark", and now I have purdy sparks all over my blog! :o)

  5. WHERE AM I? It's like the girly edition of Space Mountain in here. Knowing what I know of your MS, I think you need something slightly more sinister.

    You've inspired me, though. I shall modify my blog (some day) to work with the Short Bus. It could be very interesting...

  6. Bethany--You're so funny!! I know, I'm having a hard time finding a happy-medium. I like this layout, but now I'm thinking it might be too "fun" for a "serious" writer's blog ;-) Hmmm . . . decisions, decisions ... ;-)

  7. Ooh, mine needs a makeover, too! So any tips, send them my way (or I will just come here to get them.) I like the purple twining vines....

    My two cents is that it's harder to read white type on black/grey, so I prefer it when blogs don't do that. Won't stop me from coming here, of course, if you decide that black/grey is your new color!

  8. Phreshy- That's what I was thinking too! I hate white print--it's hard on the eyes. The search continues!

  9. I wish I could help with blogger templates. I have wordpress and I love checking out the new themes. Of course mine is the opposite, girlie and pink (my favorite- haha). Hope all is going well with the new book!! Good luck with final edits and sending out those queries! What is the new genre?

  10. Hi Meridith! Thank you for the well wishes :o) Queries will be going out VERY soon--EEK! My latest project is a YA paranormal.

  11. Oooh, fun! But yeah, maybe a little too cutesy if your YA is darker. Hmm. Here are three places I checked out before I just came up w/my own:
